Monday, 19 September 2011

Tip of the hat - The Fedora

Frank Sinatra, The Blues Brothers, Indiana Jones, Humphrey Bogart and your pap-pap all have something in common...Read More about The Fedora AKA The Trilby Hat.

Man with hats

man with hats

Man selling hats in Camden, London

Blue Collar Workers in Berets

1960s Men Handsome Blue Collar Uniform Masculine Beret Smiling BASQUE Spain

Two Spanish blue collar workers looking very happy in their berets

Alec Guiness in a Bowler Hat

With the remake of Tinker, Tailor, Soilder, Spy receiving rave reviews, we thought we'd dig out a picture of Alec Guiness in a Bowler Hat in the original version.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Dr Who wants a Pork Pie Hat

Karen Gillan Pictures, Images and Photos

Matt Smith wants the Doctor to get a new hat in the next series of 'Doctor Who' in keeping with his other headwear choices.

Matt Smith wants to wear a "pork pie" hat in 'Doctor Who' next year.
The 29-year-old actor has enjoyed getting to don unusual headwear, including a Stetson and a fez, as the Time Lord and he is pushing for a new hat for the 2012 run.
He told BANG Showbiz: "I've been thinking of hats for next year. I think the pork pie's quite fun, or, you know, the Doctor in a fun trilby. I think Steven's going to go for a really ridiculous one. I really like the Stetson."

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

50 Classic Gentlemen

If you like top hats this post is for you. Click here to view the Fifty men of old school class.   

Saturday, 10 September 2011


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